Can ProTile™ building panels be used to build a steam shower or steam room?

Yes, ProTile™ Systems presently is the only XPS foam backerboard supplier who provides a vapor resistant building panel to the US market designed specifically for steam showers or steam rooms approved under the new ASTM E96, Test Method E standard that does not require the use of a liquid applied vapor retarder. Since VP1’s vapor retarder is integrated into the building panel, you have a faster installation and you don’t have to worry about an imperfect liquid vapor retarder application such as pinholes or damage to the vapor retarder barrier that can occur if the barrier is nicked with a trowel during tile installation. ProTile Systems recommends ½” VP1 for standard home steam rooms and steam showers and 2” VP1 building panels for commercial or full time steam showers. Because ProTile™ building panels have a rating of R-4 (hr·ft2·°F) / BTU they will also help reduce energy consumption by insulating the walls and ceilings to contain the warmth in steam rooms rather than letting it escape to the cooler air outside.